P.A. 103 - Epoxy Paste Adhesive 103
P.A. 103 is a two-component, 100% solids, buttery, thixotropic, multi-purpose epoxy paste adhesive with an excellent adhesion to most known substrate surfaces in the construction industry such as concrete, metal, stone, marble, and wood. P.A. 103 combines high strength with resiliency, it will not shrink or become brittle and has been specially modified to be used also in presence of moisture.
P.A. 103 waterproofs the surfaces and is resistant to corrosion and abrasion.
Bonding precast concrete elements, steel-to-concrete, wood-to-concrete.
- Patching horizontal, vertical or overhead spalls in concrete.
- Embedding bolts, re-bars, dowels.
- Setting injection tees and sealing cracks.
- Filling honeycomb areas and voids
- Mixed with 1 - 2 parts of quartz sand to form non-sag mortars.